
Relax and unwind at home

Discover Women's Luxury Fashion


Amazing savings on classic clothing for women

Shop Women’s Fashion

Fast Delivery, Free UK Returns, Quality Guarantee, Exclusive Designs, Handmade in Britain

Cold weather heroes
sublimely cosy selection of winter pieces
Elevate your outfit
Your favourite trousers
available in three lengths
Cosy winter knits
made with premium yarns
Dresses made to flatter and feel special to wear
Jackets and coats
Handcrafted in England

made in Britain since 1961

Discover fashion

Here in the heart of Derbyshire, we design and make stylish fashion collections the time-honoured way, using authentic dressmaking and knitting techniques mastered over decades.

From first sketch to final stitch every piece is designed to fit beautifully and crafted in the most luxurious fabrics and yarns. Because we don’t just make clothes, for 60 years we’ve made quality, uniquely designed womenswear that loves to be lived in.

Take a look behind the scenes.

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